Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeding a family of 4 on pennies.

We're poor folk. Feeding my family well has always been a struggle. I have definite beliefs about the proper way to feed a family (yes, I am anal). Recently, I have decided that even with high prices, almost $500 a month is way too much for my family. I started making some changes.

1.) We eat far less meat. We're only eating meat once or twice a week now. We eat a lot more beans and lentils. We try to do a breakfast night and eat eggs that night.

2.) Death! Death, I say to convenience meals. They're crap for us anyway. Patrick can't have soy, High Fructose Corn Syrup is closely related to Satan, they don't taste all the great, and I can't enforce control. I like to enforce control.

3.) Cook one, eat twice. Or three times. One of the easiest ways I do this is with chicken. I buy a whole chicken large enough for us to get 2 meals out of. I usually get them at Aldi, but occasionally Giant Eagle has a good sale. I roast the chicken with veggies in the pot for the first meal. For the second, I pull off any and all meat I can and freeze it. Then I make a pot pie, chicken and dumplings, or barbequed chicken out of it. I can tell you that Graig is going to be a happy camper when he has barbequed chicken aromatically welcoming him home from work on Monday. Shh, don't tell.
3a.) The freezer is your friend. I need another friend! I double or even triple recipes. This helps for a night when I don't want to prepare anything. It also helps when money is low a couple days before payday. I want to buy a chest freezer to stock up. My freezer is now full. A windfall of some free organically fed, local beef has added to that but I can't freeze any whole meals right now. I do have stew meat, lentil stew (it will go over rice), leftover chicken (for the aformentioned bbq chicken) and chicken noodle soup in there now. There is also some tomato juice that will be used for...something. Another thing this does is prevent us from wasting leftovers. We've been good at that.

4.) Fear not the Hillbilly. is a lifesaver.

5.) Pizza from home is better than pizza from your grocer's freezer or that pizza joint. OK, so this is only sometimes true. But my pizza is better than most. And it's not $15! I don't pay a lot for extra toppings, I get more control over my toppings and I can better control the fat and grease. I can stuff teh crust, flavor the crust and make it as thin or thick as I like. It's great. It's hot when I need it to be. I can freeze it as well.

All of this makes me feel really good. My husband works and I stay home. I feel like his job is to make the money and mmy job is to make it last. I am looking for a part time job that but after Christmas that will go to paying of debt (mostly medical).

Christmas is another story for another time!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hair! Yeah!

I used henna on my hair today. It is really all I use now. I no longer use commercial dyes with harsh chemicals. Henna is cheaper and is better for my hair. My hair this time is a deep cherry red almost.
I like it.
Also, Levi got a cut today. He was so well behaved and I am very proud of him. He didn't cry and sat as still as a 3 year old possibly could. He got the Beckham. I'll post a picture tomorrow. We are going to buy some fun colored gel to put in it occasionally. He looks ridiculously adorable. The lady who worked in the salon (but didn't cut his hair) kept calling him darling. Levi wanted to hang out and he didn't want to leave. He wants to go back to the haircut store. I have a feeling we'll be playing haircut sometime soon.
I cut Patrick's hair last week. He was getting a mullet and I cain't abide with no baby mullet. HIs hair is so light blonde with just the tiniest hint of strawberry in it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I told you I'd be bad at this.

I am really not good at these things. I wish I were. I'm funny. This should be good. Instead I'll forget.
We had a huge power outage this weekend. A lot of people are still without power. Levi hasn't had school and he's going stir crazy. I hope he can go tomorrow but at the same time, I am enjoying the extra sleep. He's doing well in school (as far as I know) and he's learning a lot and growing up big time.
Patrick isn't walking yet. I really wish he would. He's getting too heavy to carry around. He can dance like Riverdance but he can't walk. Soon I am sure. Then I will party. We've taken to calling him SquealyDan.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who are you?

Who? Are? You? Who? Are you?
I'm Emily. I'm 31 years old, married to Graig and mom to Levi (3) and Patrick (very nearly 1). I live in Columbus, Ohio and stay at home for now. I clap at Skeery Monsters. That makes Levi laugh and then they're Gone Monsters.
There isn't really much to say about life. It's there and I live it. Day by day by day.
I hate these introduction type things. I think I am a pretty funny person but always come off like a dork on these. Today I told someone who was bemoaning being born a woman that "she'd look pretty funny in her sexy pants if she grew a penis." Now that will just sound stupid.
Anyway, I love my husband and my boys and the somewhat insane message board Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing. If your kid's name is on there, I'm not sorry and we're not picking on your kid, we're picking on you and your bad baby naming skills.
We'll see where this goes I guess.

Levi's First Day of School

In less than 7 hours, Levi will be starting his first day of preschool. For weeks he's talked about it and now he doesn't want to go. We shall see what happens.